Dave ApollonOne of the most successful Mandolin Players in the World * 1921 - 1926I have compiled newspaper clippings about Dave Apollon from New York newspapers from the archive at Old Fulton NY Post Cards: Old Fulton NY Post CardsAuf dieser Seite geht es um Dave Apollon, einer der erfolgreichsten Mandolinenspieler des 20. Jahrhunderts in den USA.Biographie Über Dave Apollon bei dawgnet: http://www.dawgnet.com/acd_html/artists/apollon.html Ich habe verschiedene Zeitungsausschnitte aus einem Zeitungsarchiv gesammelt und die interessantesten hier zusammengestellt.Die Quellen für alle diese Zeitungsausschnitte findet man auf der Seite Old Fulton NY Post Cards: Old Fulton NY Post Cards Teil 1 (1921 - 1926) * Teil 2 (1927 - 1932) * Teil 3 (1933 - 1942) * Teil 4 (1943 - 1953) |
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![]() | THE
EVENING TELEGRAM - NEW YORK, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1921.With Headliners in Keith VaudevilleTen acts, headed by Ethel Levey, make up the prodigal holiday bill at the Palace this week. Ethel Levey returns with a recital of new songs. Including "Granny," by Irving Berlin. The Mosconi Brothers, composing the major dancing team, and Sister Verna and BrotherWillie, the minor league steppers, gave a sensational performance. Al Herman returned to vaudeville with a new monologue. Florens Amos and Adelaide Winthrop appeared in "Alice In Blunderland." a smart thumbnail revue. Mabel Ford presented and appeared in another revue, assisted by D. Apollon and one of the best jazz bands ever heard at the Palace. Golden and West gave Miss Ford excellent support. Mehlinger and Meyer, composer and, singer, gave a recital of their own popular compositions. Mrs. Sidney Drew, the screen favorite, made her Broadway debut in vaudeville in "Predestination." a well written sketch. She was assisted by Thomas J. Carrigan. Gertrude Hoffman is presenting herself and her new American ballet in a swiftly moving dance production as the headline attraction on the bill at B. F. Keith's Colonial Theatre this week. Triple headliners at B. F. Keith's Alhambra this week are Kwryl Norman, "The Creole Fashion Plate," Ben Welch and Arman Kaliz. |
![]() ![]() | Variety - Friday, August 4, 1922THE GINGER BOX"The Ginger Box" opened in Stamford, Conn., July 28, due at the Greenwich Village theatre This week. There seemed some doubt as to whether the show would be seen in New York on schedule, if at all, as several agents were offering several of the principals on Broadway this week. Paul Dupont presented the piece, with Edward Perkins in charge. Mae West was featured in Stamford and appeared in the specialty numbers of her vaudeville act with Harry Richman and in a satire on "The Hairy Ape." The Cleff Club, colored orchestra, was also billed. Other principals were Davis and Darnell, Wayne and Warren, Bernice Speer, Dave Apollon, Ruth Hazelton and Fred Easter. The chorus numbered 12 girls. The production was not lavish. What there was of a "book.- except for the vaudevile acts taken over intact, seemed to badly need revision at the tryout point. The staging of the numbers also was declared ineffective. The wiseacres who journeyed to the Connecticut break-in stand did not prophesy much chance for the show in New York in anything like the form it showed there. |
![]() | N. Y. Dramatic Mirror Mar. - Apr. 1922Russian Program SundayOne of Russia's most beautiful musical comedy and screen actresses will make her American debut at the Belmont Theatre Sunday 'afternoon, April 24, in an entertainment which is described as "the repertoire of the Bi Ba Bo," which appears to be a mixed program of songs and play. .Galina Kopernak, recently arrived from Moscow, and Vera Smirnova, already well known in the United States for her Russian and Gypsy songs, will offer the major part of the program. Apollon, the Russian mandolin virtuoso, is an assisting artiste with many others from the Russion theatre and concert stage. |
![]() | B. F.Keith's Colonial,B'way-62 St.Columbus - 4457Ben Bernie & Orchestra, D. Apollon in "Bi-Ba-Bo," Miller & Mack, The Sharrocks, Rice & Werner, Pinto & Boyle, Mabel Burke, The Sterlings |
![]() | The HippodromeThe holiday program at the Hippodrome this week will feature a return engagement of Olga Petrova, Harry Carroll in a new act assisted by Jack Waldron, Dottle Wilson and Vera Marsh; Odiva and her seals; Lillian Leitzel In an aerial fantasy, Eddy Brown, concert violinist; Bert and Betty Wheeler; finals of the Keith-Albee Quartet Contest, with zone winners competing for national honors at every performance; Rich Hayes, juggler; Dave Apollon and company in the "Bi-Ba-Bo" revue; the Mitchell brothers, Ernesto family, a Hal Roach comedy; Pathe News, Aesop's Fable and "Toytown." |
THE BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE, NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY MAY 5, 1926 B.F.Leiths BushwickOldiva, Dave Apollon & Co, Bill Robinson, Sylvia Clark, othsOdiva's Bathing Beauty Contest May 5-7 | |
![]() | THE BUFFALO MORNING EXPRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1926 Dave Apollon & Coin "An Apollonian Kaleidoscope" |
![]() | THE NEW YORK SUN, SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1926.In VaudevillePalace—Eva Tanguay with a "new face" and a new act, Helen Ware and company in "A Lady of the Law," Dave Apollon and company and his Manila Orchestra. Ethel Davis, with Earle Browne at the piano; Ed Healy and Allan Cross, Naughton and Gold, London comedians; Paul Remos and his Wonder Midgets, Leo Bill and company, Edwin George and Anderson and Pony. |
Teil 1 (1921 - 1926) * Teil 2 (1927 - 1932) * Teil 3 (1933 - 1942) * Teil 4 (1943 - 1953)
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