Louis Tocaben

Wickins' Easy Mandoline Tutor

Wickins' Easy Mandoline Tutor

by D. Carati

London, Wickins & Co. 41 New Bond St. W.

Printed in Germany

Beeing a clear and concise Method for learning this popular instrument without the aid of a Master.

Including the well-known and favorite Airs

Scarlet Poppies Waltz

Old and New Gavotte

Swinging Waltz

Nautch Danse

Skipping Waltz

After Sundown Waltz

Diese Schule wurde mir von Bob Sanders zur Verfügung gestellt.

This tutor has been scanned by Bob Sanders for my website. Thanks!

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Haltung der Mandoline - Position of the Mandolin


Das Plektrum - The Plectrum - The Pick


St. Patricks's Day


Toby Poka


Downloads - Wickins' Easy Mandoline Tutor

Wickins' Tutor For The Mandoline

Original scan by Bob Sanders


also available - ebenfalls verfügbar bei archive.org:

Wickins' Scholastic Series

Violin Textbook - Published 1904

Violin Text Book


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