Music Trade Review |
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Music Trade Review - Music
Industry Magazine
Online Library: 1880 - 1933, 1940-1954 The Music Trade Review was published out of New York from 1878 until at least 1956. It apparently suspended publication with the January 1933 issue. Publication was resumed under different management sometime between 1937 and 1940. Our online library contains issues from 1880 to 1933, and from 1940 to 1954. Additional years are available for review at a number of libraries. Search for more information about the holdings of other libraries, or ask your local librarian for assistance. |
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- THE FAMOUS STEINERT COLLECTION OF INSTRUMENTS AND MANUSCRIPTS TO BECOME PROPERTY OF UNIVEESITY - MAGNIFICENT EDIFICE TO BE CONSTRUCTED FOR THEIR RECEPTION. complete article: MTR-1900-30-7/19/ This gift by Steinert was the beginning of the Yale University Collection of Musical Instruments, see the website of this collection: |
![]() Lyon & Healy's Washburn Journal.Lyon & Healy's Washburn Journal for March, just received, is filled with interesting reading and illustrations, and is well edited throughout. There is a portrait and biographical sketch of Samuel Siegel, the famous solo mandolinist, on the first page. Groups of well-known organizations appear on pages following, and Paul Dresser, the song-writer, is honored with a full-page cartoon portait on page 6. The sketch is by Homer Davenport, and and is both life-like and realistic. On other pages are: "A Visit to Lyon & Healy's Factories," illustrated; "The Guitar: Its Methods and Masters," by Arling Shaeffer ; "The Perfect Scale: scientifically built in 'equal temperament ;'" "Looking from the Other Side" and a series of editorial "Don'ts." Premiums and prizes are offered in this number, too, to teachers and others, in connection with the carrying out of the Journal's general plan. Taken as a whole, the Journal for March is a model periodical. As a missionary in behalf of the "Washburn" mandolins, guitars and banjos, it is bound to make many converts. Music teachers and others interested in string instruments ought to secure a copy. PDF: MTR-1900-30-13/25/ |
A "Bay State" Concert.Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kitchener, who use the "Bay State" instruments exclusively, gave a delightful Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo Concert at Chamber Music Hall on Tuesday evening. They were assisted by John Francis Gilder, pianist - composer, Bertha Frobisher, contralto, the Plectra Mandolin Club and the Ladies Guitar Quartette. The tone-merits of the John C. Haynes & Co. products were conspicuous in the renderings of the Kitcheners, which included Mozart's "Aria Con Variazione," Kaula's "Sans Souci" overture and Gillet's "LaToupe." PDF: MTR-1900-30-17/10/ |
![]() Music Trade in Manila.INSTRUMENTS WITH SHOWY EXTERIORS SELL WELL, AND WE SUPPLY MOST OF THEM.Washington, D. C., July 18, 1900. Consul Winter writes to the State Department from Annaberg, as follows: "The French Consul in Manila calls attention in a report to the favorable opportunity for selling musical instruments in the Philippines. He says there are few of the natives who do not play some sort of an instrument, such as a mandolin, guitar, violin or flute. The musical talent of the people is great. Thus far, the business has been done principally by Americans. The Consul thinks European manufacturers, if they would study the conditions of the market, could secure much of the trade. Only the cheapest sort of instruments can be sold, for the Tagal, as a rule, is not able to pay high prices. Instruments which have a showy exterior are preferred." |
Oscar Schmidt ReturnsHarps for German TroopsThe Banjo in BelgiumAds by "Bay State" and "Howard" Mandolins and Guitars see PDF: |
The Rohlfing Instruments.An illustrated catalogue of the Rohlfing mandolins, guitars and banjos, 1900 model, has just come to hand. It is handsomely printed and contains an amount of information regarding these instruments which enterprising dealers should know more about. As Rohlfing & Sons say in the introduction to this work: In a catalogue this size it is impossible to state all about the instruments that one may desire to know, but it is sufficient to state that nothing has been spared to make our instruments in every way worthy of the patronage bestowed upon them. Only the best of material is used, and the most skilled labor engaged in the manufacture of these instruments. We invite the most critical examination. Those in search of the best instruments will always find the Rohlfing is recommended with the utmost confidence, that they will sustain all claims made for them. Of the 1900 Rohlfing mandolins, Sig. Tomaso, the well-known mandolin virtuoso, instructor and composer, director of the famous Tomaso Mandolin Orchestra, also director of mandolin department of the Chicago College of Music, says: Rohlfing Sons Music Company: Gentlemen—It gives us great pleasure to express our admiration for your 1900 model mandolins. No European or American mandolins known to us possess such a noble, sonorous and pure tone. Even in the utmost Fortissimo it is rich and sweet. Moreover the most delicate Pianissimo can be heard in a large hall. They possess extraordinary durability under the severest usage and we frankly confess that in our estimation we have at last found a faultless mandolin. The Tomaso Mandolin Club. Salbatore Tomaso, Director. The Rohlfing Sons Music Co., of Milwaukee, Wis., manufacturers of these instruments, are to be congratulated on the fine line shown in their new catalogue. We bespeak for them a generous appreciation by the trade. |
Oscar Schmidt Great TradeThe Columbia Zither |
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