Music Trade Review |
Die Zeitschrift Music Trade Review ist online verfügbar: |
Music Trade Review - Music
Industry Magazine
Online Library: 1880 - 1933, 1940-1954 The Music Trade Review was published out of New York from 1878 until at least 1956. It apparently suspended publication with the January 1933 issue. Publication was resumed under different management sometime between 1937 and 1940. Our online library contains issues from 1880 to 1933, and from 1940 to 1954. Additional years are available for review at a number of libraries. Search for more information about the holdings of other libraries, or ask your local librarian for assistance. |
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AN IMPOSING GATHERINGOf Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo Players Met in New York Last Week—The Great Concert at Carnegie Hall Which Was Followed by a Banquet and Business Session.The grand mandolin, guitar and banjo concert, given at Carnegie Hall, New York, Friday evening last under the management of C. L. Partee, was a success from every point of consideration. In fact, the style, character and finish of the performance was a revelation to many who evidently believed string instruments of the kind were incapable of producing such sweetness of melody, combined with the display of marvellous technique. About 1,700 persons were in attendance, which was very flattering when the very stormy night is considered. The playing of Valentine Abt, C. D. Schettler, Guiseppe Pettine, George L. Lansing, Boston Ideal Club, Bacon Banjo Quintette, Miss Fannie Heinline and Miss Hilda Hempel, aroused enthusiasm, and the distinct and individually strong handling of their instruments was followed closely and with complimentary interest. The programme might have been shortened to advantage, but aside from this minor fault the selections and their artistic rendition were capital and greatly appreciated by the critical audience. The annual banquet of the American Guild of Banjoists, Mandolinists and Guitarists followed the concert at the Union Square Hotel. About 42 guests were gathered around the flower-bedecked tables, and what with the witty speeches, stories and other diversions it was 5.30 a. m. before the jolly company dispersed. Saturday the convention proper was held at the hotel. Fully 150 of the members were present, and the proceedings deal with conditions of the business, for which the outlook was reported exceedingly bright. Important speeches were made by W. J. Kitchener, of New York, and H. F. Odell, of Boston. A resolution was adopted that hereafter the annual concert be given directly under the auspices of the Guild, and a special concert committee was appointed which will decide when and where it will be held. This committee consists of C. L. Partee, W. J. Kitchener, D. E. Hartnett, of New York, and A. J. Weidt, of Newark, N. J. Several meetings of this committee will be held before January. The officials elected for the ensuing two years were: W. J. Kitchener, president; C. L. Partee, secretary and treasurer. Executive Committee: W. J. Kitchener, Samuel Siegel, George L. Lansing, H. F. Odell, Boston; D. E. Hartnett, New York; A. J. Weidt, Newark, N. J. Manufacturers elected active members follow: M. Witmark & Son, New York; Walter Jacobs, Vega Co. and Fairbanks Co., Boston, Mass.; C. F. Martin, Nazareth, Pa. Mr. Partee was formally and warmly thanked for his enterprise displayed in the concert management. It is probable the fourth annual convention will be held at St. Louis, Mo., invitations to that end having been received from the International Exposition and city officials. Detroit and Buffalo also filed applications for the same honor. The meeting will be arranged at an earlier date, possibly in November. |
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