Music Trade Review |
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Music Trade Review - Music
Industry Magazine
Online Library: 1880 - 1933, 1940-1954 The Music Trade Review was published out of New York from 1878 until at least 1956. It apparently suspended publication with the January 1933 issue. Publication was resumed under different management sometime between 1937 and 1940. Our online library contains issues from 1880 to 1933, and from 1940 to 1954. Additional years are available for review at a number of libraries. Search for more information about the holdings of other libraries, or ask your local librarian for assistance. |
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PLECTRUM ORCHESTRA HEARD.This Organization, Under the Capable Direction of Valentine Abt, Delights an Appreciative Audience at Its Third Concert.Valentine Abt, the director of the New York Plectrum Orchestra, whose third concert of the season 1911-1912 took place Friday evening, February 23, at Carnegie Lyceum, is doing much to promote the popularity of instruments of the plectrum family, colloquially known in the trade as "small goods." The third concert was enjoyed by an audience of fair size and the program was directly in keeping with the successful past performances of the orchestra. As soloists, Miss Grace Leard, soprano, and Valentine Abt, mandolinist-harpist, further distinguished themselves and added to their already enviable reputation. The New York Plectrum Orchestra is composed of mandolin, mandola, mandocello, bass-mandolin, guitar, harp, tympani and wind instruments. Friday's program contained seven numbers, each one divided into two parts. Selections from noted composers such as Liszt, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Verdi, Saint-Saens, etc., were rendered in a manner which was truly remarkable. The future of the Plectrum Orchestra is safe in the hands of the capable director, Valentine Abt, and his efforts should meet with every encouragement from those interested. Quelle / source: |
EXCELLENT SALES OF MANDOLINSReported by C. H. Ditson Co.—Empire Styles in Demand by College Clubs and Other Lovers of the Mandolin.C. H. Ditson & Co., 8 East 34th Street, New York, is enthusiastic over the success of its No. 1,500 Empire mandolins. The past three years have shown good results in sales of these instruments, not only to general trade, but to artists who are particular regarding tonal qualities and workmanship. The Empire model is built of very highly selected mahogany, with spruce tops, and are made with as much care as a fine violin. The finger board of the Empire is the same proportion as that of a violin. The instrument throughout is designed to sell strictly on its merits and at one price, and to this fact C. H. Ditson & Co. attribute much of its popularity. College trade for glee club uses has been enormous. The illustration herewith is the best means of showing the attractive style and workmanship of the Empire, which as a business getter is one of C. H. Ditson & Co.'s leaders. THE DITSON EMPIRE MANDOLINS.Quelle / source: |
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14 GREEKS WITH MANDOLINSPlaying Their Way Around the World Give New York Its Turn.Fourteen Greek professional men, including doctors, lawyers and dentists, arrived Sunday by the steamship Athinai, each with a mandolin. They call themselves the Athenian Mandolinata, of the University of Athens, and they are going to play their way around the world to show the barbarians that the Greeks still have music in their souls and know how to get it out. Prof. J, G. Halapleus, professor of Greek in the University of Toledo, O., was their guide, philosopher and friend. He met them in Athens, where he has been studying, and persuaded them to make the visit to America. The thirteen men are all graduates of the University of Athens. When they were in college together they formed the mandolin club, and since their graduation they have kept their organization, and, according to Prof. Halapleus, have brought their work to a very high degree of excellence. They have played before the King of Italy, and received decorations from him. At Corfu they appeared before the German Emperor and played for him three solid hours, at the end of which time they were decorated and commended by the Emperor. At the exposition at Milan last year they competed with musical clubs from many cities of Europe and received the awards for first, second and third prizes. But they do not visit America primarily as musicians on tour. They are interested in the country, and wish to show some of the good points of their own. They are professional men first, and musicians second. The president of their organization is Prince Nicholas, third son of King George of Greece. Quelle / source: |
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