Music Trade Review |
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Music Trade Review - Music Industry Magazine Online Library: 1880 - 1933, 1940-1954 The Music Trade Review was published out of New York from 1878 until at least 1956. It apparently suspended publication with the January 1933 issue. Publication was resumed under different management sometime between 1937 and 1940. Our online library contains issues from 1880 to 1933, and from 1940 to 1954. Additional years are available for review at a number of libraries. Search for more information about the holdings of other libraries, or ask your local librarian for assistance. |
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ABT SCHOOL HAS NEW HOMEThe Abt Mandolin, Guitar and Harp School is now located at 103 West Fourteenth street, New York. The announcement of the courses of the school, which was formerly at Carnegie Hall,. states it aims to educate the public in the musical worth of this type of instrument. Valentine Abt, director of the school, is leader of Abt Plectrum Orchestra, a unique musical organization composed of mandolins, mandolas, mandocellos, mandobasses, harps, wind instruments, French horns, tympani and other orchestral accessories. This orchestra has recently given a series of Sunday evening concerts at Aeolian Hall. Source / Quelle: |
MANY MANDOLIN CLUBS FORMEDA cause for the tremendous demand existing for mandolins may be found in the number of mandolin clubs forming every week. Some of the clubs recently formed include the following selected at random from a list including nearly every point in the country: Walton Mandolin Orchestra, Oakville, Ont, C. K. Walton, leader; Manly Orchestra, Louisville, Ky., Henry B. Manly, organizer; O. W. Smith, leader, Benicia, California; C. W. Carney, leader, Morgantown, W. Va.; Junior Mandolin Club, Florence C. Blakely, leader, Highland, N. Y.; H. C. Simons, leader, Frankfort, Mich.; Colt Arms mandolin orchestra, J. G. Emendorfer, leader, Hartford, Conn. Source / Quelle: |
MANDOLIN ORCHESTRAS POPULARMany New Organizations of That Type Being Formed in Various Localities Banjo and
mandolin clubs and orchestras are on the boom, judging from the number
of new organizations reported. Thomas J. Shuter, who is a member of the
faculty of the Institute of Musical Art, London, Ont., has organized a
mandolin orchestra of fifty players. C. H. Merritt has organized a
mandolin orchestra of fourteen members in Pateros, Wash. W. K. Bauer,
mandolin teacher in Hartford and Willimantic, Conn., is making progress
in organizing a 100- piece mandolin club in Hartford, Conn R. Holloway
reports live interest in mandolin music in Michigan City and La Porte,
Ind., where he is organizing mandolin orchestras. J. L. Ivers, of
Adams, Mass., writes of a big mandolin orchestra in the process of
organization. |
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BANJOISTS TO CONVENE IN JUNEAtlanta to Be Seat of Convention From June 1 to 19—Large Attendance Expected Busy days are due for the plectrum players. On June 1 the nineteenth annual convention of the American Guild of Banjoists, Mandolinists and Harpists opens in Atlanta, Ga. Secretarytreasurer W. B. Griffith, of Atlanta, is making active preparations for the convention which he announces will be the biggest in the guild's history. A feature will be the annual guild concert at which the following artists will appear: Wm. Place, Jr., mandolinist; Lloyd A. Loar, inandolinist; Virginia Hazard, harpist; Giuseppe Pettine, mandolinist; A. A. Farland, banjoist; Zarh Myron Bickford, mando-cellist; Vahdah Olcott-Bickford, guitarist; Mrs. William Place, Jr., harpist; the Griffith mandolin orchestra. Officers of the guild are George C. Krick, Philadelphia, Pa., presidenr; A. A. Farland, Plainfield. N. J., vice-president; W. B. Griffith, Atlanta, Ga., secretary-treasurer and field secretary. Directors: Francis Potter, Omaha, Neb.; Mrs. L'Ella Griffith-Bedard, Atlanta, Ga.; Wm. B. Evans, New York City, N. Y.; Lloyd A. Loar,. Kalamazoo, Mich.; W. Ewing Marks, Youngstown, O.; James F. Roach, Cincinnati, O. Source / Quelle: |
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19TH AMERICAN GUILD CONVENTIONPlectrum Players of Note Hold Biggest Meeting in Atlanta—Annual Guild Concert an Important Feature of the OccasionThe nineteenth annual convention of the American Guild of Banjoists, Maridolinists and Harpists was held last week in Atlanta, Ga. The convention, which was the biggest in the guild's history, brought together plectrum players from all parts of the country and a great many matters of interest in the fretted instrument world were discussed. The annual guild concert was, as usual, an important feature of the event. It included selections by the following artists: William Place, Jr., mandolinist; Lloyd A. Loar, mandolinist; Virginia Hazzard, harpist; A. A. Farland, banjoist; Giuseppe Pettine, mandolinist; Zarh Myron Bickford, mando-cellist; Vahd.ah Olcott- Bickford, guitarist; Mrs. William Place, Jr., harpist, and the Griffith Mandolin Orchestra. The officers of the guild include George C. Krick, Philadelphia, Pa., president; A. A. Farland, Plainfield, N. J., vice-president; W. B. Griffith, Atlanta, Ga., secretary-treasurer and field secretary. Directors: Francis Potter, Omaha, Neb.; Mrs. L'Ella Griffith-Bedard, Atlanta, Ga.; William B. Evans, New York City; Lloyd A. Loar, Kalamazoo, Mich.; W. Ewing Marks, Youngstown, O.; James F. Roach, Cincinnati, O. William Barker, Los Angeles, is doing much to promote the interests of fretted instrument music in the Land of Rain and Raisins. source / Quelle: |
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LYON & HEALY FEATURE UKULELESCHICAGO, I I I . , March 15.—Lyon & Healy, in one of their windows facing upon Wabash avenue, are now running an attractive display of Hawaiian ukuleles in guitar and banjo shapes and made of genuine Hawaiian koa wood. The present season of the year seems to be particularly favorable to the sale of these instruments and dealers will find it profitable to devote the whole or part of their windows to them from time to time. Source / Quelle: |
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THE LARGEST SMALL GOODS DEPARTMENT ON THE COASTSherman, Clay & Co. Have Built Up Their Musical Merchandise Department Until It Is the Largest and Best-equipped Department in the West—Fred A. Norton in Charge Source / Quelle: |
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